Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA)
The Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA) is an independent association of facilities managers operating in the tertiary education sector of Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore. TEFMA assists facilities managers in universities, colleges and other educational institutions in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting excellence in the planning, construction, maintenance, operations and administration of educational facilities.
TEFMA serves the education community by conducting research, developing educational programs, holding conferences and workshops, producing publications, developing guidelines, and serving as a central information source for its members. TEFMA is acutely aware of the need to remain relevant in an ever changing tertiary and vocational education sector and is creating closer ties with Universities Australia and Universities New Zealand to this end. Sustainability and carbon emissions are major public policy issues and TEFMA is extending its annual benchmarking report to ensure our members track these important societal issues and assist their institutions in bringing around change.
TEFMA has some 1000 members representing 88 tertiary education institutions and 8 affiliated associations in Australasia.
TEFMA promotes engagement with industry through its 74 Business Partner members. TEFMA recognises the support and ongoing commitment by our Business Partners in ensuring our members remain current in contemporary FM practices. TEFMA members provide vital infrastructure and service in support of the effective operation of tertiary and vocational education in the Australasian region.
For more information on TEFMA please contact:
Victoria Chapman
TEFMA Secretariat
E: [email protected]
P: +61 3 6234 7844