TEMC 2018 poses a few questions, one being: how can you become innovative? Well, come to Perth a day early and learn how to become innovative about your career. Work doesn’t have to be a problem to be solved. It should be an adventure to be designed. Something you enjoy as a large part of your one precious life.
It doesn’t matter what stage you are in your career, or whether you love it or hate it! Whether you’re wanting to make a move and not sure what your next steps are, or if you feel like you’d better make a move before it’s forced upon you. Perhaps you’re simply wondering what to do next or would like to learn the skills to design your next career move when the time is right. There’s always room to improve and add more meaning and joy to your career. We spend more time at work than almost any other activity in our lives so why not design the working life you want?
Your current role and skillsets and your previous training and study don’t have to determine your future choices. This workshop will give you the design thinking tools to build a career that really works for you, that meets your professional and personal goals, aligns with your values and passions, and allows you to thrive even in an environment where the sands are constantly shifting beneath you.
This is a fun and fast paced workshop where participants will focus on enhancing their current career or designing an alternative model for themselves. They will also learn techniques for prototyping their new design rather than jumping straight into it.
You’ve only got one life! What are you waiting for?
The presenter
Carol Harding is an innovation and design thinking practitioner, trainer and mentor. She was the Deputy Director of the Australian Innovation Research Centre for 10 years before starting her own innovation and design practice. She helps people learn how to use the design methodologies – used by companies such as Apple, Coca-Cola, IBM, Uber and Airbnb – to design success in their personal and professional lives. She also helps organisations build innovation and design capability so that they can create more innovative solutions to problems and opportunities. She has been Chair of the ATEM/Campus Review Excellence in Innovation judging panel since its inception.
Crown, Meeting Room 3 (M3)
Time & Date
9:00am – 12:30pm
Sunday, 9 September 2018