TEMC is hosted by ATEM & TEFMA

VC Panel Session

Opening TEMC 2018 will be a panel consisting of the Vice-Chancellors from Notre Dame University, University of Western Australia, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University and Murdoch University. Moderated by the CEO and Founder of Knowledge Society, Elena Douglas.
Being held in the opening plenary session at 9:30 am, this is a panel discussion not to be missed.

Meet your VC Panel:

Professor Celia Hammond
Vice Chancellor, University of Notre Dame

Professor Deborah Terry
Vice Chancellor, Curtin University

Professor Arshad Omari
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Edith Cowan University

Professor David Sadler
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, University of Western Australia

Professor Eeva Leinonen
Vice Chancellor and President, Murdoch University

Elena Douglas